He was reading my blog when he came across my clip on the advantages of an equallette. He was iceclimbing when that information came in very handy. In His own words:
"Hey Noel,
I watched the equalette videos on your blog, and decided to give it a whirl. I just spent a few days ice climbing in Rjukan, Norway. I used it for a couple of 3 screw anchors, but on the last day the ice was starting to turn to shit so I used it for a 4 screw anchor. I don't know if I could have made the anchor with a cordelette, but the equalette was a snap. I thought you might like to see a pic. I probably should have shortened up the right side a bit, but it took me ages to dig down to decent ice, so I just said screw it (no pun intended) and carried on.
Thanks for the feedback Tim. I think that was pretty fcuking cool.
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