Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tim's Submission

Tim Hierlihy is a proud Newfoundlander who against his better judgement has gone off to Ireland for some schooling. I guess it is the closest thing he could get to the Rock outside of Newfoundland. Regardless, like most of us reading this blog, he has a bit of a climbing problem. I have climbed with him a fair bit when he manages to visit is homeland.

He was reading my blog when he came across my clip on the advantages of an equallette. He was iceclimbing when that information came in very handy. In His own words:

"Hey Noel,

I watched the equalette videos on your blog, and decided to give it a whirl. I just spent a few days ice climbing in Rjukan, Norway. I used it for a couple of 3 screw anchors, but on the last day the ice was starting to turn to shit so I used it for a 4 screw anchor. I don't know if I could have made the anchor with a cordelette, but the equalette was a snap. I thought you might like to see a pic. I probably should have shortened up the right side a bit, but it took me ages to dig down to decent ice, so I just said screw it (no pun intended) and carried on.


Thanks for the feedback Tim. I think that was pretty fcuking cool.

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