Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tach Auch 5.9

Well, only Jan and I got out today, but we had a great morning.  We bolted a new route on the first set of anchors we had put in (middle of the face).  All of us had top roped a few times and it has a nice natural flow to it.  It is a little stiffer on the upper third as it is more vertical with fewer features.
One of my batteries is f@cked up.  It only holds enough juice for about 2 holes.  I can drill 10 with the other one.  Jan and I did the simu-rap bolting and placed 13 bolts over the route (80+ feet).  It took a little bit to figure out good bolt placements because of a couple of ledges but the falls are pretty clean.  Jan sent it first (his first FA of the season) and then I gave it a burn.  We both thought it was either going to be a hard 5.9 or an easy 5.10a.  Keeping with Flat Rock tradition we called it a solid 5.9.  Jan was humming-and-hawing over what to call it.  We thought it would be kinda cool to keep a German theme going.  He called it Tach Auch which is a German greeting when you run into someone unexpectedly, like 'hey, how ya doing'.
Looks like we will be going to Cemetery Face on Tuesday morning.

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