Bob and I got out to
Manuels this morning. Instead of placing 3 bolts to start the route, it starts on the first 2 bolts of
Tach Auch. I had to place one more to bridge the gap to
Photophobia. Getting to the 4
th bolts is quite easy but it is at the beginning of a fairly blank face. Another 3 bolts get you
thru the crux section. The upper third is more like 5.9 so I spaced the bolts a bit more to keep the challenge up. It is the stiffest route I have put up this year.
Bob began spying and cleaning a new line beside German Engineered. It is nice and consistent climbing. Bob will bolt it the next time out. We figure it will go around 5.8.
I am soon to do up a route guide for the area but that is probably useless until next year.
Today was the first time I had been to German Face in about a month. I was very happy to see that the path is getting worked in. I guess people are getting out there to climb. Awesome.