Sunday, April 30, 2006

Main Face is DRY!?!

Appearently Main Face is dry already. Paul has been out climbing there. Go figure!

Blood Bath is also dry but that is no great suprize.

The climbing season is upon us.

New routes and problems.

A notebook will be posted on the Avalon Climbing Club board so people can list new climbs and problems that have not already been published. Periodically these new climbs will be posted to

If you have not checked out already, is a pretty cool chat site. It has a good section for posting routes. Currently it has around 50-70 climbs listed but with not much detail. Newer posts will likely be better documented.

New climbs and problems will also be posted on the board at Wallnuts.

Main Face Clean-up Day

The path leading to the top of Yellow Fever and other climbs has gotten fairly dangerous. There is a lot of loose rocks.

On the May long weekend we are going to have a clean-up. The area below these climbs will be roped off so rock fall will not harm anyone. Keep posted for more details.

Bouldering Nights

We talked about a weekly or biweekly bouldering night. Interested people could go to the designated bouldering area and find out where problems are and get beta. Unfortunately I haven't bouldered much and I don't know the areas.

We need a volunteer to who can basically run this effort. It should be simple...every second week on an evening of your choice, post the location of the Bouldering Night and go there. Worst case is an evening of bouldering by yourself. Best case we build a base of excellent boulderers.

Let me know if you are interested.

April 27 - Meeting

We had a fairly small turn out but enthusiastic. Again there is a fair bit of interest in the club and possible activities.

The meat and bones of this club will take place through this web page and postings on the Avalon Climbing Club board at Wallnuts Climbing Gym. Please check this web page frequently for updates.

Instead of meetings, we will be having "socials" such as a potluck or a BBQ where things of interest can be discussed as an extra.

Logo Competition Winner

Matthew Wells was the winner of our logo competition. We had three entries to choose from but Matthew used a silhouette of the Avalon Peninsula that nailed it. He won a 25 $ gift certificate to MEC. Thanks to all for your efforts.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Meeting Agenda - April 27, 2006

Next meeting of the ACC is scheduled April 27, 2006 at 9:00pm at Wallnuts Climbing Gym (I hope this is OK with Leo).

The items to be covered include:
  1. Bouldering Series - Someone had a great idea of having a weekly bouldering social at different locations. I need a volunteer who does a lot of bouldering and knows the areas to spearhead this effort. Anyone interested?
  2. Clean-a-Crag/BBQ - Main Face needs a face lift! A day to improve the access to climbs along Main Face, above and below.
  3. Logo Competition - Unveil the winner.
  4. Stick Clip - A brief discussion about a simple piece equipment that may save you from breaking an ankle or worse.
  5. Other Business - What ever.

Hope to see you there.

Logo Competition

We need a better logo than ACC so the challenge is issued. Create an awesome Logo for the Avalon Climbing Club. Aside from the fame and fortune that will come with winning, you will also get a 25$ MEC Gift Certificate.

Please place entries in the "Logo Competition" envelope that is displayed on the Avalon Climbing Club Information Board at Wallnuts Climbing Gym.

The winner will be announced at the ACC meeting on Thursday April 27, 2006, 9:00pm.

Good Luck